Hydrogenious LOHC receives official notification by European Commission for IPCEI Project “Green Hydrogen@Blue Danube”
Erlangen, Germany. Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies, German pioneer in the field of liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC), is proud to announce that its project “Green Hydrogen@Blue Danube” has been officially notified by the European Commission of the European Union within the framework of the Important Projects of Common European Interest (“IPCEI”) Hydrogen.
Green Hydrogen@Blue Danube focuses on the use of the LOHC benzyl toluene as a carrier for the safe and efficient transport of green hydrogen to supply industrial offtakers in the Danube region.
To achieve this, a ReleasePLANT sized to supply and release approximately 1,000 – 2,000 tons of green hydrogen per year from LOHC will be constructed near the Danube to create an early hub for green hydrogen supply in Bavaria.
The project is an important milestone for Hydrogenious and will play a key role in the ramp-up of the European hydrogen market in the coming years, enabling safe and efficient green hydrogen supply chains within the EU.
Green Hydrogen@Blue Danube is part of the IPCEI “Hy2Infra” wave, following the IPCEI “Hy2Tech” and “Hy2Use” waves, which were notified in 2022.
Hy2Infra has been jointly prepared and notified by seven Member States: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Slovakia. Within this wave, 32 companies will participate in 33 projects – 24 of which are located in Germany.
The German federal government and its states plan to invest about €4.6 billion in the German IPCEI hydrogen infrastructure projects. The companies will invest about €3.4 billion of private funds, bringing the total investment in Germany to about €8 billion.
Dr Daniel Teichmann, CEO and founder of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies comments: “We are very happy about the EU Commission’s decision to officially notify Green Hydrogen@Blue Danube. It underlines the importance of LOHC technology for the ramp-up of the European hydrogen economy and the funding will accelerate and secure the implementation of the project. We are working tirelessly, together with our partners and in close coordination with other IPCEI hydrogen projects, to make the much-needed energy transition and decarbonization of European industries a reality.”
Robert Habeck, German Federal Minister said: “The projects in the Hy2Infra wave are important building blocks for ramping up the hydrogen economy in Germany and Europe. I am delighted that the European Commission has now granted the State aid approval. The German government recognises the importance of strengthening the German hydrogen economy along the entire value chain to enable a rapid market ramp-up. Germany and the other participating Member States can now move on swiftly to implementation phase with the companies.”
Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President in charge of competition policy comments: “While the renewable hydrogen supply chain in Europe is still in a nascent phase, Hy2Infra will deploy the initial building blocks of an integrated and open renewable hydrogen network. This IPCEI will establish the first regional infrastructure clusters in several Member States and prepare the ground for future interconnections across Europe, in line with the European Hydrogen Strategy. This will support the market ramp-up of renewable hydrogen supply and take us steps closer to making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.”

Photo for editorial use only, with indication of image copyrights:
Example Rendering of a LOHC ReleasePLANT © Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies