Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies’ CEO Daniel Teichmann joined the Federal Cabinet on the trip to Israel
Following an invitation by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies’ CEO Daniel Teichmann joined the Federal Cabinet as part of its business delegation on the trip to Israel. There was room to meet not only Israeli politicians, but also entrepreneurs and representatives of the Israeli start-up scene. “At the business round table, we discussed efficient instruments for the transfer of technology from universities to companies and touched the issue of hydrogen as a future energy carrier”, says Daniel Teichmann.
Impressed by the lively and vibrant Israeli research landscape as far as high-tech is concerned, Merkel noted the very good financing opportunities in Israel and an environment that can compete with Silicon Valley. “For us, of course, this is a beautiful and really good form of cooperation,” emphasized the German Chancellor.
You can read Chancellor Angela Merkel’s entire statement at the German-Israeli business round table here.