Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies joins the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies signs the declaration for the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. Together with over 250 alliance partners, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies is involved in the development of an environmentally friendly and competitive hydrogen industry and value chain in Europe. The long-term goal of this alliance is the fundamental decarbonisation of the industrial sector and thus the transition to a carbon neutral economy in Europe.
Review: On July, 8th in 2020 the European Comission published the European Hydrogen Strategy. At the same time the „European Clean Hydrogen Alliance“ was founded. The Alliance focuses on the complete hydrogen value chain and brings together representatives from industry, national and local authorities, economy and further stakeholders to develop a hydrogen economy in Europe.
By 2030, in addition to the establishment and promotion of hydrogen technologies, the production of low-carbon produced hydrogen will be advanced in the mobility and industrial sectors. In this context, not only the efficient and safe storage but also the further distribution of hydrogen is essential for a working supply chain with climate-neutral produced green hydrogen. The alliance partners will support the European Commission with their expertise in its long-term goal, the European Green Deal.
Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies recently signed the declaration for the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance and stands aside with more than 250 other alliance partners such as FuelsEurope, Viessmann, Nel, Linde or Air Liquide. Our CEO Dr. Daniel Teichmann considers the establishment of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance as an important step towards a hydrogen-powered Europe: “I’m looking forward to work together with the EU commission and major industry representatives to develop and implement Europe’s roadmap towards a hydrogen-based renewable energy system!”
Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies is the global technology leader and pioneer in the field of hydrogen storage in the Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier and early recognized the potential of hydrogen as the energy carrier of the future. With the innovative LOHC-Technology, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies enables a flexible, safe and global hydrogen transport. The efficient distribution of hydrogen is an indispensable part of the value chain and thus also for the successful implementation of the European hydrogen strategy.
Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies is already involved in many projects that demonstrate an efficient and safe supply of green hydrogen. This includes the two IPCEI projects Blue Danube and Green Crane, which transport hydrogen with the LOHC- Technology via the Danube River from South-East Europe to Central Europe and by sea from Spain to Central Europe.